Australian Children’s Safety Alliance (ACSA)
Families free from violence
The Australian Children’s Safety Alliance was established in Adelaide in December 2013, and formalised in June 2014, by representatives of eight non-government agencies and one consultant.
ACSA has a steering group, comprised of senior staff from member organisations, and agreed terms of reference. ACSA’s vision is that all children in Australia are safe and free from violence and abuse,
and its purpose is to strengthen and enhance the safety of women, protection of children and interventions with perpetrators of domestic violence and abuse.
The aims of the Australian Children’s Safety Alliance are to:
• Provide leadership in policy and practice development for agencies, practitioners and child protections systems;
• Act as a public voice for the safety of all women and children experiencing domestic violence and abuse;
• Make visible and accountable the behaviour of perpetrators of domestic violence and abuse;
• Identify opportunities to measure and evaluate the impact of the ‘Safe and Together’ Model and other domestic violence informed approaches in South Australia;
• Proactively identify and champion models of practice that are culturally responsive, culturally valid and endorsed by Aboriginal members, stakeholders and advisory groups such as the Family Matters Working Group in South Australia.
You can find ACSA’s Terms of Reference here: ACSA_Terms of Reference_Reviewed 17 January 2019
For more information about the Australian Children’s Safety Alliance, please contact our current chair Michael Hawke by email mhawke@anglicaresa.com.au or by phone 0478 320 749
Member Organisations
Current ACSA member organisations are:
Junction Australia
Women Safety Services
Lutheran Community Care
Kornar Winmil Yunti
Australian Refugee Association
Uniting Communities
Department of Correctional Services
Department of Human Services
Department of Child Protection
Relationships Australia
Uniting Care Wesley Bowden
Flinders University
OARS Community Transitions
Aboriginal Family Support Services
Child and Family Focus SA
No to Violence
Publications and Research